Window Name Navigator Path
Account Details Collections->Account Details
Account Overview Collections->Account Overview
Accounting Calendar Setup->Financials->Calendars-> Periods
Accounting Distributions Control->AutoInvoice->Interface Lines. Choose Accounting button.
Accounting Periods Accounting->Open/Close Periods
Aging Collections->Aging
Aging Buckets Setup->Collections->Aging Buckets
Alternate Name Receipt Matches Receipts->Alternate Name Matches
Approval Limits Setup->Transactions->Adjustment Limits
Approve Adjustments Control->Adjustments->Approve Adjustments
Assign Flexfield Security Rules Setup->Financials->Flexfields-> Descriptive->Security->Define
Assign Key Flexfield Security Rules Setup->Financials->Flexfields-> Descriptive->Security->Define
Assign Security Rules Setup->Financials->Flexfields-> Descriptive->Security->Define
AutoCash Rule Sets Setup->Receipts->AutoCash Rule Sets
AutoInvoice Grouping Rules Setup->Transactions->AutoInvoice ->Grouping Rules
Automatic Accounting Setup->Transactions-> AutoAccounting
Bank Charges Setup->Receipts->Bank Charges
Banks Setup->Receipts->Bank
Category Codes Setup->Transactions->Item-> Category->Define->Category
Category Sets Setup->Transactions->Item-> Category Define->Default Sets
Collectors Setup->Collections->Collectors
Completed Requests Control->Requests->View
Concurrent Requests Summary Control->Concurrent
Conditions Setup->Tax->Groups. Choose Conditions button.
Confirmation Action Setup->Transaction->Confirmation Action
Conversion Rate Types Setup->Financials->Currencies-> Rates->Types
Copy Transactions Transactions->Copy
Correspondence Collections->Correspondence
Countries and Territories Setup->System->Countries
Cross Validation Rules Setup->Financials->Flexfields-> Key-> Rules
Currencies Setup->Financials->Currencies-> Define
Customer Accounts Collections->Customer Account
Customer Calls Collections->Record A Call
Customer Interface Interfaces->Customer
Customer Merge Customers->Merge
Customer Profile Classes Customers->Customer Profile Classes
Customers Quick Customers->Customer Quick
Customers Standard Customers->Customer Standard
Customers Summary Customers->Customer Summary
Daily Rates Setup->Financials->Currencies-> Rates->Daily
Default Category Sets Setup->Transactions->Item-> Category->Define->Sets
Define Organization Setup->System->Organization
Define Security Rules Setup->Financials->Flexfields-> Descriptive->Security->Define
Descriptive Flexfield Setup->Financials->Flexfields-> Descriptive->Segments
Distribution Sets Setup->Receipts->Distribution Sets
Document Sequences Application->Document->Define
Document Transfer Summary Transactions->Document Transfer Summary
Dunning History Collections->Account Details. Choose Dunning History button.
Dunning Letter Sets Setup->Print->Dunning Letter Sets
Dunning Letters Setup->Print->Dunning Letters
Exceptions Setup->Tax->Groups. Choose Exceptions button.
Format Programs Setup->Receipts->Format Programs
Freight Carriers Setup->System->QuickCodes-> Freight
Freight Transactions->Transactions. Choose the Freight button.
Or Transactions->Transactions->Line Items. Choose the Freight button.
GL Accounts Setup->Financials->Combinations
Group Constraints Setup->Tax->Groups. Choose Group Constraints button.
Interface: Customer Interfaces->Customer
Interfaces: AutoInvoice Interfaces->AutoInvoice
Interface Exceptions Control->AutoInvoice->Interface Exceptions
InterfaceFreightLines Control->AutoInvoice->Interface Lines. Choose Freight button.
Interface Lines Control->AutoInvoice->Interface Lines
Interface Tax Lines Control->AutoInvoice->Interface Lines. Choose Tax button.
Inventory Delete Items Setup->Transactions->Item->Delete Items
Invoice Line Ordering Rules Setup->Transactions->AutoInvoice ->Line Ordering
Invoicing and Accounting Rules Setup->Transactions->Rules
Item Status Codes Setup->Transactions->Item->Status
Item Tax Rate Exceptions Setup->Tax->Exceptions
KeyFlexfieldSecurityRules Setup->Financials->Flexfields->Key ->Security->Define
Line Errors Control->AutoInvoice->Interface Lines. Choose Errors button.
Lockbox Transmission History Receipts->Lockbox->Transmission History
Lockboxes Setup->Receipts-> Lockbox->Lockbox
Lockbox Transmission Data Receipts->Lockbox->Maintain Transmission Data
Submit Lockbox Processing Interfaces->Lockbox
Memo Lines Setup->Transactions->Memo Lines
Open/Close Accounting Periods Accounting->Open/Close Periods
Payment Methods Setup->Receipts->Receipt Classes
Payment Programs Setup->Receipts->Receipt Programs
Payment Terms Setup->Transactions->Payment Terms
Period Rates Setup->Financials->Currencies-> Rates->Period
Period Types Setup->Financials->Currencies-> Rates->Type
Print Accounting Reports Reports->Accounting
Print Dunning Print->Documents->Dunning
Print Invoices Print->Documents->Invoices
Print Statements Print->Documents->Statements
Quick Codes Demand Class Setup->System->QuickCodes-> Demand Class
Quick Find by Alternate Name Customers->Quick Find by Alternate Name
Receipt Batches Summary Receipts->Receipts Summary
Receipt Batches Receipts->Batches
Receipt Classes Setup->Receipts->Receipt Classes
Receipt Sources Setup->Receipts->Receipt Sources
Receipts Summary Receipts->Receipts Summary
Receipts Receipts->Receipts
Clear/Risk Eliminate Receipts->Clear/Risk Eliminate
Receivables Activities Setup->Receipts->Receivable Activity
Receivables Lookups Setup->System->QuickCodes-> Receivable
Remit-To Addresses Setup->Print->Remit To Addresses
Remittances Summary Receipts->Remittances
Remittances Receipts->Remittances
Request Sets (User Mode) Control->Requests->Set
Requests Submit Control->Requests->Run
Print Accounting Reports Reports->Accounting
Print Collection Reports Reports->Collections
Print Listing Reports Reports->Listing
Print Other Reports Reports->Other
Resource Setup->Transactions->Salespersons
Revenue Accounting and Sales Credits Control-> Accounting -> Revenue Accounting
Run AutoInvoice Interfaces->AutoInvoice
Run Customer Interface Interfaces->Customer
Run General Ledger Interface Interfaces->General Ledger
Run Revenue Recognition Control->Accounting->Revenue Recognition
Run Tax Rate Interface Interfaces->Tax Rate
Sales Credits Control->AutoInvoice->Interface Lines.Choose Sales Credits button.
Sales Tax Rates Setup->Tax->Sales Tax Rates
Scheduler Collections->Scheduler
Segment Values Setup->Financials->Flexfields-> Descriptive->Values
Set of Books Setup->Financials->Books
Setup Details Setup->System->Setup Details
Shorthand Aliases Setup->Financials->Flexfields->Key ->Aliases
Standard Memo Lines Setup->Transactions->Memo Lines
Standard Messages Setup->Print->Standard Messages
Statement Cycles Setup->Print->Statement Cycles
System Options Setup->System->System Options
Profile User Values Control->Profile Options
Tax Accounting Setup->Tax->Codes. Choose Tax Accounting button.
Tax Authorities Setup->Tax->Authorities
Tax Codes and Rates Setup->Tax->Codes
Tax Transactions->Transactions->Tax Choose the Tax button.
Transactions->Transactions->Line Items.
Tax Exemptions Setup->Tax->Exemptions
Tax Groups Setup->Tax->Groups
Tax Locations and Rates Setup->Tax->Locations
Tax Options Setup->Tax->GL Tax Assignments
Territories Setup->Transactions->Territories
TransactionBatchesSummary Transactions->Batches Summary
Transaction Batches Transactions->Batches
Transaction Overview Collections->Transaction Overview
Transaction Sources Setup->Transactions->Sources
Transaction Summary Transactions->Transaction Summary
Transaction Types Setup->Transactions->Transaction Types
Transactions Transactions->Transactions
Transactions Summary Transactions->Transactions Summary
Transmission Formats Setup->Receipts->Lockbox Transmission
Units of Measure Classes Setup->System->UOM->Class
Units of Measure Setup->System->UOM->UOM
Viewing Requests Other->Requests->View
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Saturday, October 1, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
loading and passing parameters to messages using resource bundle in ADF page
Load a property file using message
resource bundle feature inbuilt within the core tag .
Typical example would be to refer to a message value(Login Message), labels etc..
Approach 1 :
Typical example would be to refer to a message value(Login Message), labels etc..
Approach 1 :
f:loadBundle basename="XX_GLOBAL" var="globalres"
Sample as how to refer to the value in a property file using the core tag is
af:outputText value="#{globalres.loginmessage}"
Calling a property file using resource bundle from Backing bean.
public class MyUtilBean {
public String getMessage(String loginmessage) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ResourceBundle bundle = context.getApplication().getMessageBundle();
ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundle,Locale.ENGLISH);
String text = resourceBundle.getString(loginmessage);
return text;
Sample as how to refer to the value in a property file using the core tag is
af:outputText value="#{globalres.loginmessage}"
Calling a property file using resource bundle from Backing bean.
public class MyUtilBean {
public String getMessage(String loginmessage) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ResourceBundle bundle = context.getApplication().getMessageBundle();
ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundle,Locale.ENGLISH);
String text = resourceBundle.getString(loginmessage);
return text;
Approach 2 :
String resoureBundle=
ResourceBundle resources= BundleFactory.getBundle(resoureBundle);
String msg=null;
if(resources != null)
msg= resources.getString("loginmessage");
ResourceBundle resources= BundleFactory.getBundle(resoureBundle);
String msg=null;
if(resources != null)
msg= resources.getString("loginmessage");
Approach 3 :
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ResourceBundle resources= fc.getApplication().getResourceBundle(fc,"MyBundle");
ResourceBundle resources= fc.getApplication().getResourceBundle(fc,"MyBundle");
Approach 4 : (Passing Parameters to the Resource Bundle entires)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
OAF - Calling Database sequence
Calling a Database sequence.
Traditional way of calling a sequence was to create a View object with a "select sequence.nextval as seqvalue from dual" and call something like below.
OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("sequencename");
OARow row = (OARow) vo.first();
Number seqvalue = row.getAttribute("seqvalue"));
But instead oracle provides a direct API to get the value of the sequence and can be used as below.
// Calling from within an Application Module.
OADBTransaction trx = getOADBTransaction();
Number seqnum = transaction.getSequenceValue("sequencename");
//Calling from controller
OAApplicationModule am = (OAApplicationModule)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
OADBTransaction transaction = (OADBTransaction)am.getOADBTransaction();
Number seqvalue= transaction.getSequenceValue("sequencename");
Traditional way of calling a sequence was to create a View object with a "select sequence.nextval as seqvalue from dual" and call something like below.
OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("sequencename");
OARow row = (OARow) vo.first();
Number seqvalue = row.getAttribute("seqvalue"));
But instead oracle provides a direct API to get the value of the sequence and can be used as below.
// Calling from within an Application Module.
OADBTransaction trx = getOADBTransaction();
Number seqnum = transaction.getSequenceValue("sequencename");
//Calling from controller
OAApplicationModule am = (OAApplicationModule)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
OADBTransaction transaction = (OADBTransaction)am.getOADBTransaction();
Number seqvalue= transaction.getSequenceValue("sequencename");
OAF - String to SQL Date
Convert the String object to java.sql.Date object using stringToDate() function from oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OANLSServices class like below.
java.sql.Date getClientSysdate(){
OADBTransaction trx =
OANLSServices nls = trx.getOANLSServices();
oracle.jbo.domain.Date serverDate = trx.getCurrentDBDate();
java.util.Date javaClientDate = nls.getUserDate(serverDate);
long longDate = javaClientDate.getTime();
return new java.sql.Date(longDate);
java.sql.Date getClientSysdate(){
OADBTransaction trx =
OANLSServices nls = trx.getOANLSServices();
oracle.jbo.domain.Date serverDate = trx.getCurrentDBDate();
java.util.Date javaClientDate = nls.getUserDate(serverDate);
long longDate = javaClientDate.getTime();
return new java.sql.Date(longDate);
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